Lower Buttock Tuck in Beverly Hills, CA
A buttock tuck is kind of like a tummy tuck for the buttock in that it removes loose sagging skin from not only the lower buttock but also the back of the thigh to tighten both areas and create a more defined buttock crease. In doing so it also aesthetically shortens the buttock cheek. It is ideal for those patients that have had significant weight loss or fluctuations, multiple pregnancies, or whose derrieres have succumbed to the dreaded effects of gravity and aging. It is also effective for those who feel their buttock cheek is naturally too long and just want it proportionately shortened.
Like a well-done tummy tuck, the 3-dimensional planning and surgical technique are key. It is best done under general anesthesia while the patient is in the prone (i.e. face down) position. The loose and/or elongated lower buttock and upper thigh skin, subcutaneous fat, and connective tissue are all excised. The fascial edges are brought together with deep stitches secured to the gluteus muscles effectively lifting the back of the thighs at the same time. Nonresorbable/permanent stitches are used here to best define the new lower buttock crease position and help defy the effects of gravity over time. The more superficial layers and skin stitches are absorbable to avoid palpability and the nuisance of removal later on. The resultant scar is strategically placed within the junction of where the buttock cheek meets the thighs. In many patients, this scar is well worth the improved buttock/thigh contour.