Liposuction Body Contouring (a.k.a. “Liposculpture”) in Los Angeles, CA
Los Angeles is a city known for its beautiful beaches and bikini bodies. Tiny waistlines and flat stomachs are abundant, but unfortunately, achieving and maintaining those flattering physiques can be difficult. If you’ve tried diet and
exercise, but have a few areas with stubborn fat that won’t budge, you may want to turn to liposuction. Many Angelenos, and Hollywood’s celebs, find body contouring to be one of the most effective ways to shape and sculpt ideal curves. Dr. Ryan A. Stanton is a board-certified plastic surgeon offering full body liposuction (a.k.a “360 liposuction”) to men and women in Southern California. His expertise in this body shaping procedure makes him one of the most requested plastic surgeons for body contouring in the area.
A better bikini body is achievable when you choose liposuction to target and remove persistent resilient fat deposits. While we provide much essential information on liposuction here, always feel free to call us at (310) 278-0077 to get your specific questions are answered promptly and thoroughly.
What Is Liposuction?
Liposuction is a surgical body contouring procedure that manually removes fat cells from the body. Dr. Stanton performs a proprietary surgical procedure called “Short Scar Lipo-Abdominoplasty” that combines liposuction with direct skin tightening, minimal tissue trauma, and modest scarring compared to a traditional tummy tuck. During the procedure, a thin tube called a cannula is inserted into the body through a very small incision. Dr. Stanton guides this tube to areas with excess fat and uses suction to remove unwanted fat cells. For some patients, this fat removal is a quick and easy process. Other patients will require more extensive fat removal and shaping. We can treat as little as one or several more areas during your procedure, provided you are otherwise healthy.
After the desired contours are achieved, the cannula is removed and the incisions are sutured closed. The treated area is wrapped with dressings, a specialized foam (i.e. Topifoam® ) placed, and then a snug form-fitting compression garment put on. These specially fitted surgical garments help to hold the skin and tissue in place during the healing process, reducing swelling, minimizing bruising, and improving the final results.
Liposuction is a highly targeted treatment. It is like fine art work – it is not so much the canvas nor the type of paints used but rather the skill of the artist’s hands. Similarly, Dr. Stanton prides himself on taking his time, being persistent and calculated in every stroke to 3-dimensionally sculpt each and every patient as a unique case. Utilizing a specialized fluid for pain relief and bleeding control, as well as the Microaire Power Assisted Liposuction system +/- lasers, ultrasound, or J-plasma when advantageous, Dr. Stanton strives to create your ideal best contours, sculpting a body that otherwise was not attainable. Do liposuction results last? For most of our patients, liposuction will provide a lifelong improvement in the shape of the treated areas. To maintain your results, however, you’ll need to do your part. Dr. Stanton recommends a healthy diet, abundant exercise, and an active lifestyle to all his liposuction patients. Try to keep your weight stable as fluctuations can negatively impact your results.
Recovery After Liposuction
Patients typically recover from liposuction at home, leaving our facility just few hours after their procedure. You will not be able to drive due to the anesthesia so you will need a trusted adult to accompany you home and remain with you for at least the first night. If you have no one, we work closely with several nursing services and recovery centers to provide this necessity. Our standard practice is to provide detailed recovery instructions after any surgical procedure. These instructions will outline how to care for your incisions, cleanse the areas, when to return to our office for follow up care, and what the do’s and don’ts are for the first several weeks. In addition to detailed instructions, we are also available to answer any questions or concerns throughout the recovery process.
Dr. Stanton will provide several prescriptions often including a narcotic pain reliever, an anti-inflammatory analgesic, an antibiotic, and something for nausea. Most patients only require pain relief for the first couple of days.
Make sure you wear your compression garment as intended. Compression helps keep the swelling minimized and evenly distributed to maximize smooth surface outcomes. When fat is removed, pockets of swelling are created under the skin. A compression garment helps collapse these pockets together for a better recovery with fewer complications.
Expect a variable amount of mild redness, bruising, and swelling. These postoperative changes are temporary and begin to improve several days after surgery with any redness and bruising typically fully resolving within a couple of weeks. On the other hand, swelling resolves much slower – about 80% gone after a month but the last 20% of subtle but striking tightening taking 5 – 7 months until the final result is obtained.
Depending upon the extent of surgery and your occupation, plan on missing anywhere between 2 days to a full 2 weeks of work. Patients should limit exercise and strenuous activity until they are cleared by Dr. Stanton to resume these activities, usually 4-6 weeks after surgery but in some cases sooner. Your recovery timeline may progress more quickly with minimal fat removal or may require additional time if large quantities of fat are removed or if liposuction is paired with other surgical cosmetic treatments. Dr. Stanton will give you a good estimate of how much time off from work and other activities will be needed after your particular liposuction treatment.
Like what you see?
View our gallery to see why Dr. Stanton has earned the name “The Butt King®” and is one of the most sought after plastic surgeons in Los Angeles and beyond.
Which Procedures Pair Best with this Body Sculpting Treatment?
Liposuction can be performed impressively on its own, but at our Beverly Hills practice, it is often paired with cosmetic body implants. Liposuction of the waist and abdomen, paired with breast, hip and buttocks augmentation with implants can create that highly sought after hourglass figure, one of the most desirable yet difficult-to-achieve feminine body shapes. This is a very popular combination surgery for male-to-female transgender patients which Dr. Stanton operates on each and every week. Liposuction is very popular after pregnancy and is a common addition to our mommy makeover procedure. It helps post-pregnancy moms to remove stubborn fat that developed during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Liposuction FAQs
Questions are always welcome! If you have additional questions, don’t hesitate to call our offices at (310) 278-0077 or come in for a consultation.
Liposuction can remove significant quantities of fat, however, body shaping, not weight loss,
is the overall goal of this procedure. Liposuction is best suited for patients that are at a relatively normal, healthy weight prior to surgery.
Dr. Stanton uses liposuction to shape the body from top to bottom. Popular areas for fat removal at our practice include the breast tails (near the armpits), thighs, abdomen, flanks, love handles, arms, bra straps, back, hips, and ankles.
After liposuction patients may still gain and lose weight, just like they did prior to surgery. Anything more than mild weight fluctuations will change your contours and are thus not recommended.
Preliminary results from surgery will be visible immediately after your procedure. Many notice significant improvement in the shape and size of the treated areas. However swelling is likely, especially for the first few weeks. As swelling
resolves, your liposuction results will continue to improve. Expect final results at around the 5 – 7 months mark.
Liposuction is very effective at fat removal but skin tightening is variable depending upon multiple factors such
as age, genetics, area treated, and prior treatments. Although liposuction can be safely performed at any age, skin contraction works best when a patient has good skin elasticity. Patients with loose skin and excess fat in the abdominal area may benefit more from Dr. Stanton’s proprietary procedure called Short Scar Lipo Abdominoplasty, a surgical treatment that removes fat and tightens abdominal skin at the same time.
Learn more about liposuction in Los Angeles, CA by calling 310-278-0077 or schedule a consultation with Dr. Ryan Stanton, a board-certified plastic surgeon in Beverly Hills, CA.