Let’s get intimate. Many women feel uncomfortable talking about their feminine areas, however, the popularity of labiaplasty has skyrocketed by 217% in recent years. If you’re physically uncomfortable or want to improve the appearance of your female parts , let us welcome you to our office for a straightforward and sensitive chat. Come explore your options for vaginal, labial, and clitoral enhancement in Beverly Hills, CA during a consultation with Dr. Ryan A. Stanton, a board-certified plastic surgeon.
Dr. Stanton has been practicing for more than 18 years and has extensive experience performing these delicate procedures on feminine areas. As one of the top plastic surgeons offering female genital enhancement surgery in the Los Angeles area.
This vaginal rejuvenation procedure overview should help you understand that female genital issues are both common and treatable. If you have specific questions, don’t hesitate to call our office at (310) 278-0077. We handle all inquiries with sensitivity and a commitment to the utmost privacy.
The Growing Popularity of Cosmetic Vulvo-Vaginal Enhancement Surgery
When Dr. Stanton first started offering cosmetic vulvo-vaginal enhancement procedures (a.k.a. Labiaplasty, Clitoral Hoodectomy, or Vaginoplasty/ Vaginal Rejuvenation) , they were not very common. He treated some women with congenital abnormalities, but few women sought out cosmetic surgery in this area.
In the past 10 years, Dr. Stanton has seen a large uptick in the number of women seeking consultations and treatment. Although many reasons may exist behind the surging popularity of female genital cosmetic surgeries, Dr. Stanton believes that the g-string bikini is a large contributor to the rapid growth of this procedure.

As the teeny-tiny bikini become more commonplace, female grooming became more essential. Women started to remove the hair from the labia, or vaginal lips. Without a camouflage of hair, the size, shape, and length of the lips became more noticeable and the requests for cosmetic enhancement of the vulva more abundant.
Understanding Cosmetic Vulvo-Vaginal Enhancement Surgery
There are many types of feminine genital enhancement surgical procedures including labiaplasty, vaginoplasty, and clitoral hoodectomy. These procedures are all grouped together under the broad umbrella of Vulvo-Vaginal Enhancement Surgery, a term that describes any cosmetic surgical procedure performed on the female genitalia.
Some women will require multiple types of this surgery, usually grouped together and performed with a single visit to the operating room. Our goal is to alleviate discomfort, repair any damage or deformities, increase sexual pleasure, and enhance the appearance of the genitals. There is substantial variation in natural genital appearance and a highly customized approach is needed to ensure good results for each patient. We offer a full range of these procedures including:
Vaginoplasty is a vaginal tightening procedure. It is frequently performed after childbirth to repair stretched out tissues and separated muscles. Vaginoplasty increases sexual enjoyment for many patients and their partners. It also improves other symptoms associated with vaginal laxity, including tampon shifting or falling out.
Labiaplasty surgery is performed on the lips of the vagina, most often the labia minora (a.k.a. “inner lips”). Labia majoraplasty is available for women seeking enhancement to the outer lips (labia majora) as well. Also known as labia reduction surgery, the labiaplasty procedure resizes and reshapes the labia to improve comfort, enhance sexual self-esteem, and simply make the labia more tidy and pretty.
A clitoral hoodectomy resizes or removes a portion of the clitoral hood, where excess tissue can covers the clitoral glans of the clitoris. This procedure often improves the overall appearance of the vulva by harmonizing with the result of a labiaplasty. By better exposing the glans to sexual stimulation, it also may increase sexual pleasure for many women.
The procedure is performed with a laser, scalpel, or scissors. However, the most important componant to the final aesthetic result is “symmetry”. Most women, just like yourself, prefer to have as much of the darker pigmented edges removed as possible. Also, it’s not how much tissue is removed but how much is left remaining because a certain amount is necessary to maintain proper form and function – typically ~10 mm or so of the dry part of the labia. Finally Dr. Stanton has found the scar along the edge of the labia after “Trim Method” to be much more imperceptible compared to the scar running perpendicular through the entire labia minora after “Wedge Method”. Thus to achieve these four most important elements, he has found that the “Trim Method” satisfies best. One unique potential complication after Wedge Method is that the clitoris gets pulled downward which sometimes is annoying and sensory changing to women. Another much more common complication with Wedge method is wound separation and splitting of the suture line leaving dents or holes in the middle of the labia minora and/or complete separation of the top and bottom halves.
These procedures are highly specialized and delicate and, likewise, should ONLY performed by a reputable labiaplasty or vaginoplasty specialist, not your ordinary plastic surgeon or gynecologist. As you visit with potential surgeons, ask about their experience level performing not just any female surgery but these specific cosmetic surgeries specifically on the female genitals. Make sure to also ask for volumes of before and after photos (minimum of 10sets) from their actual patients. Getting the procedure correct the first time is critical as revising imprecise surgeries can lead to a loss in sensation and irreparable outcomes. Dr. Stanton is a highly experienced surgeon that has offered genital surgery since 2001. He performs female genital enhancement surgery regularly, often multiple times each week.
Let's Chat!
Ready to accentuate your assets? Contact us today to learn more about how we can help you look and feel beautiful. Schedule a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Stanton today.
What Are the Benefits of Cosmetic Vulvo- Vaginal Enhancement Surgery?
Female genital enhancement surgery has many benefits. Our patients tell us that when they look their best down there, they feel more sexual and enjoy their intimate experiences with more gusto. There are also medical benefits to these procedures. Elongated labia are prone to rubbing and chafing, especially during sex and physical activity. Some women experience significant discomfort even while sitting or riding a bicycle. Cosmetic vulvo-vaginal enhancement surgery increases comfort in your delicate feminine areas. Vaginoplasty is commonly performed to correct physical deformities and damage to the vaginal canal from trauma including childbirth and/or a episiotomy.
Recovery After Labiaplasty or Hoodectomy
Because, like the inside of the mouth, the labia and vaginal tissues are a special type of tissue (i.e. mucosa) filled with a plethora of blood vessels and specializes surface cells, this area heals quickly and often with imperceptible scars. Of all the areas Dr. Stanton operates on, the female genitals are one of the fastest healing tissues. Recovery after this procedure is relatively smooth for most of our patients.

Dr. Stanton typically performs labiaplasty and clitoral cordectomy surgeries using only a twilight sleep and a local anesthetic. This conservative approach offers significant benefits for recovery. Our patients return home the same day as their procedure. By evening, most feel pretty good and are able to rest comfortably. In a few days, patients are back to many of their regular activities, including work. Exercise is prohibited for the first two weeks and no baths/jacuzzi/swimming for three weeks. Dr. Stanton usually requires patients to abstain from sexual activity for 3-4 weeks after labiaplasty or hoodectomy. For pain relief, patients are typically given two types of oral pain medications (a narcotic and an anti-inflammatory analgesic) and a topical local anesthetic cream. They are also encouraged to ice the area for the first 48 hours.
FAQs About Labiaplasty, Vaginoplasty, and Hoodectomy
Labia vary in their appearance significantly, with many potential variations of normal. Our labiaplasty patients usually are dissatisfied by the appearance of their genitals due to excess length, thickness, unevenness (a.k.a. asymmetry), or darkened pigmentation. If you’re unhappy with your appearance, come in for a consultation and Dr. Stanton can explain your options for genital enhancement.
Many women have cosmetic vulva concerns because of genetics or developmental problems. You do not need to wait until you’re finished having children to explore this option for surgical enhancement. Labiaplasty is one of the rare procedures Dr. Stanton offers to minor patients, provided they have parental support. Labiaplasty is also performed after pregnancy to repair damage or elongated labia from pregnancy and the childbirthing process. On the other hand, vaginoplasty is something that most defer until after having their last child. If not, it is likely to be required again after another vaginal delivery.
Costs for all surgical procedures vary. Depending on the complexity of the procedure, surgeon’s reputation, and a patient’s specific needs, the price can range from $3000->$10,000. Visit us for a consultation and we’ll provide a detailed price estimate.
Dr. Ryan Stanton- Your Surgeon for Labiaplasty and Cosmetic Vulvo- Vaginal Enhancement Surgery in Los Angeles, CA
Cosmetic surgery on the female genitals can be highly fulfilling for the patient, boosting confidence, increasing sexual pleasure, and improving appearance. This delicate procedure requires a skilled surgeon who is focused on preserving, even enhancing, sexual sensitivity. If too much tissue, or too little, is removed, the results won’t be ideal.
Dr. Stanton has been offering cosmetic vulvovaginal enhancement surgery to women in Los Angeles, CA since 2001. He’s one of the top providers of labiaplasty and hoodectomy in the state.
Call our office at (310) 278-0077 to ask your specific questions about this delicate procedure. You can also schedule a consultation to learn more about your options for vaginal rejuvenation.